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In The Society for Alleviation of Human Sufferings?
The Society for Alleviation of Human Sufferings (AHS) is a non-governmental organization officially licensed by the Ministry of the Interior of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the General Directorate of Foreign Nationals and Immigrants. It officially began its activities in 2020 with the aim of identifying and reducing social harms. The organization designs and implements projects in areas such as education, sustainable livelihoods, development of new businesses, family health (in both emergency and non-emergency conditions), and personal development for the target community. The Society has a track record of implementing various empowerment, educational, and livelihood projects to address the needs of vulnerable individuals in different regions of Tehran Province and other provinces, such as South Khorasan.
Additionally, this society is licensed to operate in the provinces of Alborz, Qom, Kerman, and Hormozgan, and is currently in the stage of needs assessment and preparing proposal drafts.

Education is the foundation for the growth and development of individuals in societies. According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the right to education for children and adolescents is considered a fundamental right. In this context, underserved areas and vulnerable children require special attention to access education. Among the activities of The Society for Alleviation of Human Sufferings aimed at increasing access to the right to education in a suitable environment are the distribution of stationery items and kits in underserved areas, providing educational equipment to schools, and improving the educational facilities of schools in deprived regions.

Over the years, these activities have been carried out in collaboration with the society’s financial supporters.

Securing livelihood and sustenance is one of the basic human needs, and without its fulfillment, individuals and communities are unable to grow and progress in other aspects of their lives.
Vulnerable individuals face numerous challenges in securing their basic needs. The distribution of livelihood packages and cash assistance is presented as short-term support for vulnerable groups at the primary level.
At the secondary level, efforts aimed at empowering individuals to engage in livelihood activities represent a more sustainable solution, which is proposed and planned by non-governmental organizations. The Society for Alleviation of Human Sufferings has undertaken educational-livelihood projects, such as establishing sewing workshops and providing vocational training to enter the job market, to empower vulnerable segments of the Iranian community and refugees. This enables individuals to discover their talents, acquire knowledge, skills, and employment, allowing them to play a crucial role in improving their livelihoods.

Access to health and healthcare services at all times, as well as medical treatment during illness, are fundamental rights of individuals. Governments have made efforts to provide free primary healthcare services to everyone and to expand insurance coverage for individuals, making other medical services more accessible.
The Society for Allevation of Human Suffering has defined its health projects in five major areas with the support of financial backers. These five areas are:
1)Enhancing the capacity of primary healthcare centers (PHC)
2)Providing specialized equipment to primary healthcare centers (PHC) and medical facilities
3)Providing rehabilitation equipment to groups of people with disabilities
4)Defining a referral system and supporting the treatment process for vulnerable groups
5)Providing hygiene kits to vulnerable and hard-to-reach groups.
Health activities in the field of prevention and harm reduction caused by drug abuse, are also in the future priorities of AHS.

Health activities in the areas of prevention and reduction of harm caused by substance abuse are also part of the Society’s upcoming priorities.

Protection and support
War and conflict have existed as long as human history, and throughout time, people have experienced hostile interactions with each other for various reasons. In modern times, the objectives, motives, and tools of war have taken on a different nature. As a result of the differences in this regard and alongside it, there has been increased attention to human dignity. People have responded to wartime situations and their impacts by striving to establish laws, boundaries for conflicts, and ensuring the respect for human dignity during wartime conditions.
One of the most purposeful efforts to address the above issue can be attributed to the activities of Henri Dunant, a Swiss businessman, who, during the Italian Civil Wars, organized public mobilization in an effort to alleviate the suffering of war victims. This idea ultimately led to the establishment of the Red Cross.
The establishment of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) in the 19th century was another step toward providing principles that limited the actions of states in wartime and created better conditions for individuals affected by conflicts and armed confrontations.

The Society for Alleviation of Human Suffering has been collaborating with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) office since 2021 to promote International Humanitarian Law. One of the outcomes of this collaboration has been the organization of a roundtable on International Humanitarian Law and the role of non-governmental organizations in reducing human suffering. The Society for Alleviation of Human Suffering and the ICRC in Iran are planning to continue promotional activities in this area with the participation of non-governmental organizations.

The main goals of sustainable development
The key objectives of sustainable development that the Society for Allevation of Human Suffering is committed to:

Eradicating poverty
The forms of poverty lead to harm for individuals and groups within societies. Eradicating poverty is a top priority on the path to achieving sustainable development.

Achieving health and promoting well-being
All individuals, regardless of any discrimination and at all ages, have the right to access healthcare and health services, which falls under the third goal of the sustainable development goals.

Creating inclusive and sustainable employment, along with decent and appropriate work for all social groups to ensure livelihood well-being, is essential and is one of the key goals of the eighth sustainable development goal.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Establishing industries and equipping infrastructure for innovation and service development is one of the most fundamental needs of societies to achieve sustainable development under the ninth goal.

Places of activity
The Society for Alleviation of Human Sufferings has a track record of implementing various empowerment, educational, and livelihood projects to address the needs of vulnerable individuals in different regions of Tehran Province and other provinces such as South Khorasan. Additionally, the Society is licensed to operate in the provinces of Alborz, Qom, Kerman, and Hormozgan, and is currently in the process of needs assessment and preparing proposal drafts.

Latest updates from The Society for Alleviation of Human Sufferings
Receiving Medical and Non-Medical Equipment for Health Centers in Hormozgan and Alborz Provinces
According to the public relations report from the Society for Alleviation of Human Suffering, the Society, in collaboration with the

Supporters of AHS